Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Python Pool and Red Dog Gorge

Python Pool, part of the Millstream Chichester National Park, is a gorgeous pool filled by a waterfall. You have to time it right because immediately after rain, it's cloudy and muddy, but in the dry period it stops flowing and goes stagnant. One week after rain is ideal - lucky for us, that's when we went. Super lucky, because they hadn't had rain in the area for 2 years before this year!

The waterfall was pounding down this day so it was a mission to swim right up to it! But we had to, so we could jump off the rocks :-)

Red Dog Gorge is completed unsignposted, not visible from the road, in the middle of nowhere and half the locals I've spoken to haven't even heard of it. We had some directions to go on and by some lucky fluke we managed to find it!
Had to jump a train to get to the track...

Its a beautiful spot - fast flowing shallow pools up above the waterfall which drops down into a super deep, super clear pool with huge fish!
Pools at the top:
And the main swimming hole at the bottom:

We didn't want to leave! But with a couple of hours driving before we made it home, we had to get on the road as the sun started to fade. No one drives long distances at night in the Pilbara - too many kangaroos and stray cattle running out on the road make it way too dangerous.

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